The suitability of manuscripts for publication in Journal WIJoB is judged by peer reviewers and editorial board. All the review process are conducted in double-blind review. Chief Editor handles all correspondence with the author and makes the final decision as to whether the paper is recommended for acceptance, rejection, or needs to be returned to the author for revision.

Chief Editor and Section Editors will evaluate the submitted papers on prequalification step for the suitability of further review process. The manuscripts will be evaluated by qualified peer reviewers selected by Chief Editor and Section Editors. The peer reviewers should examine the manuscript and return it with their recommendation to the Chief Editor or Section Editors as soon as possible. If peer reviewers recommends rejection, the Chief Editor will ask a second reviewer or Section Editors to decide the acceptance or rejection of the paper.

Papers needing revision will be returned to the authors, and the authors must return the revised manuscript to the Chief Editor via OJS of Journal WIJoB. Chief Editor sends the revised manuscript to Section Editors to check whether the manuscript is revised as suggested by peer reviewers.